Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why am I going on a Facebook fast?

I'm not a highy disciplined person, but I have done a few fasts in the past - food on Mondays, Scrabble on my phone, summer TV, 30-hour famine, cream in my coffee, etc.  I find that, for me, they are a good way to break a bad habit and draw closer to God at the same time. 

Lately God has been showing me that I tend to put food, shopping, and/or Facebook/games ahead of Him when I want comfort, joy, or entertainment.  It keeps me from giving my life to Him completely. 

Sometimes when I'm babysitting I let my granddaughter watch movies for a long time because I'm occupied with my computer.  I want to make more of an effort to make the most of my time with her.  Here she is, watching Snow White.

This is today's mail - ads and bills.  I tend to live beyond my means.  Spending more than I should, relying on Visa instead of God's provision.  Buying new stuff is fun, but it does not compare with the joy of living within God's will.  I know it in my head, but I struggle to put it into practice.

This is my craft room.  Rather than the haven of creativity that I want it to be, it's started to represent a scene from 'Hoarders - Buried Alive'.  I have good intentions, but it's easier to sit on a reclining love seat with my laptop.  I just need to get started - that's often all it takes.  Maybe in 46 days I'll have an 'after' picture.

This is the journaling bible that my husband got me for our 30th anniversary.  It needs more use.  I want to see notes all over it.  To use it up and then get another one.

Fasting during lent is kind of a new tradition for me.  I like it.  This year I plan to give up Facebook, computer games, and unnecessary spending.  I will also continue the dieting and exercising that I began in late 2010.  I may blog about what I am learning - if that's where God leads me.  I'm looking forward to the journey. 

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